TroubleShooting - The OpusCLI

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  Opus provides an internal command called  CLI .

  This command provides a shell which generally behaves as does a normal
AmigaShell, with a couple of exceptions:

1) You can enter any internal Opus command and it will work providing you've
   used the correct format, etc.
2) You can enter any Opus ARexx command by prefixing it with a +.

  Create a menuitem/button/etc with the following function:

Function : Command    CLI

  That's it!  Now use the button or menuitem, a shell will open with the
following text in it:

Directory Opus 5 Command Line Interpreter v0.04
© Copyright 1997 by Jonathan Potter

Type 'help' for help.

  Let's try an ARexx command, type the following at the prompt:

> +dopus error 10
--> Invalid lister handle

  As you can see, you get an immediate response, try a few more:

> +dopus query background desktop
> +lister new
> +lister close all

  So if you're having trouble with an Opus ARexx command in a script, you can
try it out in the Opus CLI.

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